to the Resources on this Site, their Origin, and your Use
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INSIGHTS for Ministry is a website for sharing pastoral experiences, and tools for Christians living out God's mission, to share the good news of Jesus' love through individual lives, in faith community, and with the world.
Be inspired for Ministry
The materials provided on this site are based on my own pastoral insights. While coming mostly from congregation ministry settings and structured activities of churches, the basic principles can be applied for many contexts and by any group or individual desiring to live and serve faithfully and effectively. We can trust that God's Spirit works in many different ways.
For the purposes of this site I want to briefly offer my understanding and use of the key terms in my organization's name and site's title. It took me awhile to choose them, but in the end I felt they are a perfect fit.
Pastoral INSIGHTS for Ministry - be inspired
It all started with the idea of sharing my insights that I have gained and published in the course of my pastoral ministry. When creating a Google site and looking for a domain name, I realized that it was not possible for me to just use a single word. So I started to add to it.
The wisdom I am sharing come from my own pastoral reflections and activities as a Christian believer and congregational leader.
My insights presented here come from many different sources such as teachings of others, reflection and prayer, and practical experience.
With ministry I refer to both the work of professionals such as clergy and also the everyday service by disciples of Jesus.
I believe that we are inspired by the Holy Spirit for partnering with God in sharing of the good news of Jesus and blessing others with transforming love.
The materials on this site were created by me for use in my own ministry or for the larger church. However I have to acknowledge that most insights are not original to me. Much of the understanding behind the thoughts or approaches to ministry presented here is based on the work of others. Some of the resources are my notes from presentations, and some are my adaptations of work that was created in personal collaboration with others.
I strive to give credit where rightfully necessary or practically possible, for example when quoting or excerpting books or articles. Yet while using and sharing the wisdom of others, I do not simply copy what they have done. I usually make resources my own by expressing them in my own words or redesigning them for my needs. I expect you to do the same, and simply hope you will find something informative and useful.
You may use and adapt these materials for personal use or in your ministry setting. When copying larger portions without adaptation or using entire materials please provide credit to their source with a reference line, "From: Insights for Ministry, by Rev. Stefan A. Munker”.
Thank you to my parents who sent me to summer camp where I heard the invitation to live with and for Jesus, who supported my involvement in the church, and who made it possible to prepare for the vocation of being a pastor.
Thank you to my wife who is a wonderful example as an inspired, faithful, and caring minister, who is a spiritual friend sharing a commitment to live and work for our Savior and Lord, and who provides encouragement, support, and feedback for my effort to serve effectively as a leader.
Thank you to the congregations I have served and pastor currently. The people there have helped me in many ways to grow in my own understanding of God’s intent for our lives and activity in our world. I consider myself blessed that I have been given the ability to share the gospel of Jesus and my insights for ministry.
Thank you to numerous people, saints of all times and places, too many to list by name, who have shaped my faith in God, understanding of the world, and approach to Christian service. I am especially grateful for wisdom from teachers, conversations with colleagues, congregational experiences of practicing ministry, and many sermons, workshops or articles.
And thank you to God who allows me to do for a living what is a great privilege and joy. Thank you for giving me faith in Jesus, openness to the good news, and spiritual gifts for pastoral ministry. And thank you for the guidance and help of the Holy Spirit.