Reflections for Ministry

Fall Gratitude

How good it feels to be acknowledged, to hear one’s efforts are appreciated.

Thanking others is such a wonderful gift we can give. It is a great privilege to live in service to God, but knowing it makes a difference provides or renews our motivation. 

This time of year is a good time to remind ourselves to look for ways to thank others in our lives. It is an opportunity to tell people about God’s pleasure about their life and work we share with them. But don’t forget to appreciate yourself! 

You are a great gift to others. What you do matters to God. God blesses you and your ministry. Let your heart feel gratitude for using you and your gifts. This fall, take time to thank God and others for the gifts of faith, hope and love you share.

Spring Renewal

The promise of spring, and the assurance of Easter is that renewal is not only possible but needed. As nature depends on return of warmer climate for renewal of life, so we as humans also are in need of God's restorative power.

So, take time this spring to reflect on what needs Lenten renewal from God in your life. And renew your faith in the gift of new life through Jesus' death and resurrection.

Summer Excitement for Ministry

Spring brings the renewal of nature. For Christian believers Spring offers a two-fold invitation. God calls us to re renew our faith and life during the 40 day season of Lent. And at the celebration of Easter we are invited to renew our faith in the gift of new life.

Where in your faith, life and ministry do you long for renewal? There are times like fall when we feel things are dying, or dormant like in winter, or parched like in summer time. You may long for new energy, sense of God's grace, or inspiration with creativity.

This summer, as you perhaps engage in some exciting activities, let God renew your excitement for faith and action. Discover how God is the one to do so many amazing things. It's not up to you to create new or better experiences for yourself or others. All that God is asking you is to be amazed and witness to what you see God doing.

What excites you? Sports games, fast cars, get-togethers with friends, a newborn baby in the family, watching a sunrise, exchanging faith with someone, perhaps. God gives us, shows us and fills us with lots of excitement. Experiences and feelings of excitement can provide a spiritual boost in the midst of life's daily drudgery.

Ministry can also become a routine, feel stale and even burden us. It's important to recognize that there are seasons to everything. you may need to search for the cause of your loss of excitement. And you should try to reclaim what gives you hope, joy and energy about following and serving Jesus in the first place.