INSIGHTS for Ministry
Wisdom | Tools | Inspiration
Welcome to the new INSIGHTS for Ministry with my pastoral wisdom, ministry tools, and faith inspiration resources.
Ministry is service. Serving God is a privilege, because it is a response to the message of Jesus' gift of love, joy, and hope.
On this site you will find a collection of insights for personal or professional ministry which have come from my studies and my experiences as a follower of Jesus and servant in the church.
As you explore and use the resources I have created and made available for others like you, I hope you will be inspired and inspire others to serve gratefully, passionately, and effectively.
Jesus Christ invites you to work for him. May it be a privilege for you to serve God's purposes.
S†efan A. Munker
"... to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ."
(Ephesians 4:12-13, NRSV)
be inspired
for Ministry of all Believers
Ministry in its broadest form is service for God. As such it can take place anywhere, in many different ways, and all the time. And most importantly, ministry can be done by anyone. Yes, ministry is not something that clergy alone are called to, or are allowed to do.
God wants everyone to serve. And everyone is able to serve God. Jesus called all people to follow. And he gave the gift of the Holy Spirit to all his followers to serve his purposes. The way one is equipped may differ from person to person. But everyone has some gifts which God provided and wants us to use for ministry.
The purpose of our life is to fulfill God's evangelical mission on earth. God created humans and the world we live in to reflect God's love. Jesus came to bring us good news of God's love, and to demonstrate it in a personal way. As followers of Jesus we serve in order to extend God's love to everyone and everything God has made.
You are invited to serve God (ministry) and others together with all believers of Jesus' message, and as his representatives to share faith in the gospel (euangelion) that offers abundant and everlasting life. Be inspired to join in God and other followers of Jesus to bless the world through loving service in the world.
for Inspiring your Ministry
Can you use some encouragement? A fresh perspective? Or a seasonal resource? These reflections are for those who serve, and those who are served by us. Life and ministry changes and change can be good.
with insightful Videos
We communicate so much through writing and reading. But we also benefit from audio visual learning. The VIDEOS for Ministry YouTube channel makes videos available that provide insightful inspiration for life, faith and ministry.
about The Way I See It
In addition to the resources shared on this website, you may be interested in reading my thoughts about a variety of topics. My blog offers faith perspectives about church ministry and daily life. Contributions are occasional and random. Check it out and subscribe.